24 hours emergency & ambulance Service: +09648 250 250

  • 09648 250 250
  • 14/15,Mehedibug

  • 7 Days

    24 Hours


  • Designation


  • Degree

    MBBS (CMC), BCS (Health), MD (Gastroenterology), BSMMU, Dept. of Gastroenterology, Chittagong Medical College Hospital

  • Gender


  • Time

    Everyday 4pm to 6pm (Thursday , friday off)

  • Room Number


  • For Appointment

    01827402322, 01826120539

Specialist: Dr. Tasbirul Hasan Zihan, an accomplished Gastroliver and Medicine Specialist, shines as a prominent figure in the medical landscape of Chittagong. His qualifications, which include an MBBS degree, BCS in Health, MD in Gastroenterology, and MRCP (UK), attest to his extensive knowledge in the field. As a Consultant in the Gastroenterology Department at Chittagong Medical College Hospital, he is recognized for his contributions to specialized medical care. Patients seeking his expertise can benefit from his National Hospital, Chittagong Chamber. Visiting hours, spanning Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 3.30 pm to 5 pm, offer flexibility for consultations. To secure an appointment, individuals can reach out at 01822685066 or 0182740232. With a strong presence and qualifications, Dr. Tasbirul Hasan Zihan is a beacon of hope for those seeking specialized care in gastroenterology and medicine. Give yourself a pat on the back! Rewrite Ctrl D Write something first to use Rewrite