24 hours emergency & ambulance Service: +09648 250 250

  • 09648 250 250
  • 14/15,Mehedibug

  • 7 Days

    24 Hours


  • Designation

    Assistant Professor, Cardiology at Chittagong Medical College Hospital

  • Degree

    MBBS (CMC), BCS (Health), MD (Cardiology)

  • Gender


  • Time

    Every Day 7pm to 10pm ( Friday 5pm-7pm)

  • Room Number


  • For Appointment

    02333357913 & 01823515864

Specialist: Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman is a dedicated Cardiologist specializing in the Cardiology of Rheumatic Fever & Medicine. He holds degrees of MBBS, BCS (Health), and MD (Cardiology), reflecting his commitment to excellence in the medical field. Currently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cardiology at National Hospital, Dr. Mostafizur Rahman expertise and experience make him a valued healthcare professional. Chamber at the National Hospital during the visiting hours from 7pm to 10pm, except on Thursdays and Fridays when the facility remains closed. To schedule an appointment contact us at 01822685066. With a passion for providing exceptional treatment, Dr Md. Mostafizur Rahman continues to make a significant difference in the lives of his patients at the National Hospital, Chittagong.