24 hours emergency & ambulance Service: +09648 250 250

  • 09648 250 250
  • 14/15,Mehedibug

  • 7 Days

    24 Hours


  • Designation

    Consultant, Hepatologist & Therapeutic Endoscopist.

  • Degree

    MBBS,MD (Hepatology),Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (Former PG Hospital, Dhaka)

  • Gender


  • Time

    Every Day 7:00pm - 10.00pm (Friday Closed)

  • Room Number


  • For Appointment


Specialist: Dr. Mushfiqul Abrar, an accomplished Liver Diseases, Gastrointestinal Specialist, and Endoscopist, is a prominent name in the medical field. Holding an MBBS degree from Chattogram Medical College, he pursued an MD in Hepatology from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University. As an Associate Consultant in Hepatology at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (Former PG Hospital, Dhaka), his contributions are invaluable. Dr. Abrar's expertise spans Gastrointestinal Diagnostics and Therapeutic Endoscopy, where he has garnered special skills and extensive experience. His proficiency extends to treating liver-related ailments such as Hepatitis, Liver Cirrhosis, and Liver Cancer. His research, involving over 100 liver biopsies, has been published in an International Index Journal. With visiting hours from 6 pm to 9 pm every day (excluding Fridays) at National Hospital, Chittagong. Appointments at 01861057889 or 01863268558